Michael Motherwell

Michael Motherwell Speaker SMX Sydney 2016
Michael Motherwell is Director and Co-Founder of Wave Interactive. Wave Interactive is the result of a merger between Lined Media & Bower Interactive.

Michael Motherwell is renowned as one of the best SEO consultants in the Asia Pacific Region who brings 10 years of advanced technical experience and a passion for analytics, coding and trouble-shooting and speaker at SMX Sydney 2016.

Michael is a collaborative and investigative thinker who is engaged with the SEO community speaking regularly at industry events including Search Engine Bootcamp where he runs the popular interactive site clinic.

Michael is a frequent contributor on the Search Engine forums moderating at the Highrankings Forum, as well as being the Technical Administrator at Cre8asiteforums.

Connect with Michael:
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-motherwell-846ab04
Twitter https://twitter.com/motherwell
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mmotherwell