Mobile Friendly Impact Change – Google Q & A

Take the Mobile-Friendly Test:

* * * SUMMARY of Google Response * * *

Q: Is Google on track to release tomorrows mobile-friendly algorithm?
A: YES. April 21 2015

Q: What is this algorithmic update, who will it impact?
A: This update will impact only mobile searchers and it will give a ranking boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results only.

Q: Will desktop searchers / desktop rankings drop?
A: NO.

Q: Will it impact tablet searchers?
A: NO. Only devices classified mobile smartphone, not tablets.

Q: How do I know if my site is mobile friendly?
A: Check for the “Mobile-Friendly” label in the mobile search results or use the Mobile Friendly Test.

Q: When did Google first mention these new mobile ranking changes?
A: December 2014 – Google experimenting with mobile friendly ranking algorithm. February 2015 – Announcement of April date.

Q: Is the mobile friendly algorithm site-wide or at a page level?
A: Page by Page Only (not domain).

Q: Is this a real-time or delayed algorithm?
A: Real-Time.

Q: Will Google News, Local Results, In The News, Videos, be impacted by this algorithm?
A: NO. Only mobile search results (not local), not Google News…

Q: Will Google delist my site from search if it’s not mobile friendly?
A: NO.


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