Google Search Console has introducing the concept of “property sets” which allow you to combine multiple properties (both apps and sites) into a single group to monitor the overall clicks and impressions in search within a single report.
TLDR; Combine sets of web properties into one group for a single accumulation of data.
The major benefit of having google webmaster tools merge sites is the ability to track the combined visibility in search of Mobile App, Mobile Website, and Desktop Website collectively.
How to use google webmaster tools combine sites?
Using “property sets” now let you combine multiple properties (both apps and sites) into a single group to monitor the overall clicks and impressions in search within a single report. At a glance you’ll get the clicks and impressions of any of the sites in the set for all queries.
- Create a property set
- Add the properties you’re interested in
- The data will start being collected within a few days
- Profit from the new insights in Search Analytics!
1. Create a new property set:
In the Search Console home page, click Create a set.
Optionally modify the name of the new set.
Add members to your set from existing verified properties in your account.
Click Save to save your new set. Clicking Cancel will not prevent the set from being created; to delete the set you must go back to the home page and delete the set from your property list.
> It will take a few days to start seeing data for your new set, even if you already have data for all the member properties.
2. Edit a property set:
To add or remove set members, change the name, or other attributes of a set:
Find the set in the Search Console home page.
Select Manage set > Edit set.
You can also get to the Edit set page by clicking the settings gear icon when viewing the set.
> If you add or remove a member from a property set, data for this member will not be added or removed from the historical data.
3. Delete a property set:
To delete a set
Find the set in the Search Console home page.
Select Manage set > Delete set.
What are google property sets? RESTRICTIONS
- You can group up to 200 properties into a single aggregate property called a property set.
- A property set can contain properties of any other type (web pages or apps) except other sets.
- A property set shows aggregate data for all its member properties.
- A property set appears in the list of properties for your account.
- You cannot add a set as a member to another set, but you can add any other type of verified property.
- You can add only verified properties from your account to a set.
- You must be a verified restricted user (or greater) on all set members in order to access the set.
- A set can have only one owner and no users; you cannot share a set with others.
- Sets support some, but not all of, the reports and tools available to other property types.
Advantages of property sets in Search Console?
Use it to gain an overview of your international websites, of mixed HTTP / HTTPS sites, of different departments or brands that run separate websites, or monitor the Search Analytics of all your apps together: all of that’s possible with this feature.
PROTIP – Set data is viewable in aggregate only; when viewing impression data for a set that contains properties X, Y, and Z, you are shown the total impressions for X + Y + Z. To see the total impressions for X alone, you must switch to property X in Search Console.
WARNING – If you later lose access to, or verification for, any property in a set, the entire set will become unverified and inaccessible to you. However, data will continue to be collected for the set, and you will be able to see data again as soon as you regain access (or reverify) all set members.
Source – Google Property Sets and Tie your sites together with property
Author: brad forster