Google Analytics Shortcuts

Google has recently launched Google Analytics Shortcuts

Shortcuts have been designed to speed up the process of analysing different sets of data and to make our lives a lot easier.

How To Create a Google Analytics Shortcut?

  1. Navigate to a report that you use regularly within Standard Reports or Custom Reports.
  2. Apply any segmentation using either an Advanced Segment, metric or dimensions.
  3. Once you have the dataset you are looking for, click on the Shortcut link above the report.
  4. Name your Shortcut to something logical so you know what the Shortcut will show in future.
  5. Click OK and this will save the Shortcut within the Home tab in Google Analytics and in the Admin area. From here you can then view or delete a Shortcut in the future.

google analytics shortcuts report name


  • Only need to apply the segment once and when you save the filter, Google will remember your settings. (Click on your pre-set Shortcut and the data you want to see will be displayed)
  • Any Standard or Custom Report can be shortcut-ted
  • Any report with an Advanced Segment or metric can be added to your Shortcuts list.


  • You are not able to save them for any of the reports that appear beneath the Home tab = No Real-Time reports or Intelligence Events reports
  • Shortcuts only be visible to the user that created it (use the Email feature which sits at the top of the report to share)

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